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4 Questions To Avoid Overtraining in Forex

4 Questions To Avoid Overtraining in Forex

Perhaps you've heard the saying, "insist until you get." A secret about it: this is not always apply to transactions in the forex market. This is a very common mistake among novice operators, the act of performing multiple operations in sequence, often at the same time, disparagingly to the account: the overtrading.

They feel a kind of fear of losing opportunities to make money and go into any setup that appears on the market. Do not get me wrong, of course it is necessary to risk to win, but there is a big difference between taking good operating decisions managing their risk and risk their money blindly at all "opportunities" that arise.

Doing so destroys your account and causes major psychological problems. I remember well having been traumatized by a loss in the market that left me unable to operate for nearly two years.

Now your ego is hurt. We must reverse the situation at any cost!

Rather than getting depressing so much, why not try to specialize first? Find an operating niche and devote to it. We need to find out what you are best in the market. For this, we have to basically answer four questions.

1. What Couples Should Operate?

Each pair has its own pattern of behavior and it is important to have an experience in them to see if you identify with any. Already operated on the EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPJPY ... and so on. Each has a way to analyze and operate only with time is that we can succeed fully because we adapt our strategy to the pair's behavior.

Choose a 3 pairs to make their operations and hold them, look for gain "intimacy" with the chart movement and see how its strategy adapts to situations. It is normal you have to leave a certain pair and attach to others. Look for the easiest way into the market and let it flow synergy between their trading and the pair in which it operates.

2. What Time Frame Use?

How much time you can devote to operate? You are able to decide quickly or need a longer time to make sure the trade? These are some questions that determine the time frame in which you must specialize. Speed not only varies from one time frame to another but also their results. The strategy must match that speed so you survive the market. So, try long enough to see what really feel at ease.

3. How I will take My Decisions?

There are so traders successes that are based on intuition to operate. But this is the result of many years of experience that the system has become part of their personalities. Unless you are one of those rare, probably operate so will only harm to your account. We need to develop a method that makes sense to you and help you understand the market behavior taking thus the best operating decisions.

4. What is my strategy?

The strategy is what will drive the way you operate your system once you have determined how you behave your market. Perceive a pair of operating standards facilitates operating a reversal when its operating system tells you to do it.